Men's Ministry Schedule:
Wednesday at 6:30pm Men's Group at Matt Fusari's home.
This group spends time walking though a variety of books of the Bible and discussing them together. They share prayers and life together.
Saturday at 7:00am Men's Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall.
This group discusses the Bible passages for the weekly messages. The also share prayer time together.
All are welcome!
Other Men's Ministry opportunities are offered throughout the year. Check this page for updates!
Wednesday at 6:30pm Men's Group at Matt Fusari's home.
This group spends time walking though a variety of books of the Bible and discussing them together. They share prayers and life together.
Saturday at 7:00am Men's Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall.
This group discusses the Bible passages for the weekly messages. The also share prayer time together.
All are welcome!
Other Men's Ministry opportunities are offered throughout the year. Check this page for updates!